$ 203 $ 568
Vatta - Pitta - Kapha

Three different cleansers, according to your dosha. This comes with two parts - the cleanser powder, and dosha specific oil. Spot treatment or make the whole batch up at once.

DON'T YOU KNOW WHICH YOUR DOSHA IS?TAKE THE QUIZ HERE: https://www.madrelunaproducts.com/quiz-de-tu-piel

Vatta - NEW MOON: VATA is dry skin,It is air with space, your skin is cold and dries fast, it needs herbs that give it heat, if your constitution is Vata, we recommend this soap to clean, detoxify and nourish your skin.

INGREDIENTS:Chamomile, nutmeg, tulsi, lemon, turmeric, mint, ashwagandha, lentils, sandalwood and sesame oil.

HOW TO USE:Mix new moon cleanser powders with rose water or oil of your choice to create a paste, apply and massage very gently, WITHOUT SCRAPING the skin, stir with warm water.

Pitta - WAXING MOON: If your skin is sensitive and tends to redness, this facial cleanser is ideal for you, it contains herbs that refresh and extinguish that internal fire of pitta dosha. Helps prevent acne breakouts, redness, and rashes.

INGREDIENTS: lentils, orange, sandalwood, aloe vera, mint, chamomile, amla, brahmi, shatavari, manjistha, licorice and castile rose.

HOW TO USE: Mix the waxing moon powder with rose water or oil of your choice, until creating a paste, apply and massage very gently WITHOUT SCRAPING the skin, stir with cold water.

Kapha - FULL MOON: This cleanser is ideal for you if you have oily skin, kapha dosha is earth with water, it is humid, these herbs will hydrate, cleanse and nourish your skin, to remove impurities and stimulate the skin.

How to use: mix full moon powder with rose water or (almond oil) to create a paste, apply and massage gently without scratching the skin, stir with warm water.

Ingredients: Lentils, Lemon, Neem, Coriander, Sandalwood, Fenugreek, Ashwaghandga, Trihala, Sage, Almond Oil.

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